Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Does quiet unnerve you?  No TV, cellphone, electronic device humming?  Is it just too . . . quiet?

As the snow falls to the ground, I think of the walk I will take afterward.  The ground is blanketed.  Everything is white.  It is quiet.  I can hear the quiet and it is magnificent.

Human beings need some conscious (as opposed to sleeping) quiet time.  Whether we are mindfully cooking and preparing a meal, reading a book or meditating, quiet time in our lives gives our bodies and minds a chance to rest and be restored.  Without this time, it's easy to become exhausted, irritable or even sick, when we are forced to take a rest.

It may not be easy to know how to create quiet in your life.  With all the influences of social media, streaming on your iPad, and an information-laden and fast-paced life, who has time (much less the inclination) to be quiet? 

Start slow, with just a minute.  Sit, with nothing else going on.  Leave your electronics off, or at least to the side where you cannot see them.  Look out a window, think of a pleasant scene or just sit.  Observe how you feel.  It may be extremely uncomfortable.  I remember years ago thinking about sitting and doing nothing and it was a foreign concept--I could barely imagine it.  Today, I look forward to my quiet time because I cannot stay centered and grounded without it.

Over the holidays, it's busier than ever.  Some of the parties are fun, some wear us out.  Family can be a challenge.  Give yourself an opportunity to try something new, a gift to yourself of a one quiet minute.  Take some deep breaths.  Sink into the moment.  Notice how your body and mind feel. You may find it's just what you need to make it through the holiday season.

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