Friday, October 28, 2011

Everyday Presence

For those of you who followed my original blog, Spiritual Sabbatical, I’m creating this new one to talk about bringing consciousness and intention to our lives each and every day. We all have the ability to do this, which has far-ranging physical and psychological benefits, for ourselves and others. Most of us just need to be reminded.
What if once a day we. . . 

noticed something of beauty?
stopped to appreciate ourselves for one thing we did?
performed an act of kindness?
found a way to connect with a total stranger?
relied on our intuition?
did nothing for at least 60 seconds but observe what is going on around us?

It begins with being aware, being open. We have to look in order to see, to get our heads out of the Blackberry/iPad/computer/TV, to clear our minds.

When I’ve been working particularly hard at something, I’m all up in my head, and it feels as if my mind is somehow separate from my body. It feels heavy and full. That’s when I know I’m having a mind/body disconnect, and need to bring the energy down, to redistribute it so I can function at my best: go for a walk, stretch, do some quick jumping jacks, have a healthy snack, sit and close my eyes for a few minutes—anything to bring that energy down.

Just try it. Instead of focusing outward when you need to de-stress, go inward: Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out very slowly. Do that two more times.
How do you feel?

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